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Top Reasons To Paint Your Kitchen

Aug 14, 2018

If you’ve invested the time and money into making your kitchen look the best that it can be then you’ll inevitably enjoy the space even more. In terms of how painting your kitchen can affect your life the facts are that cooking your own food is ultimately cheaper and healthier for you. Going the extra mile to ensure that the paint colours for your kitchen are welcoming and inviting is an easy step to making your life better.

Kitchen Wall Finish Can Make You Healthier

Research has shown that both reds and yellows as your kitchen wall colours can actually stimulate the appetite, meaning that these warmer kitchen paint colour ideas can actually have you reaching for that bag of chips you’ve been trying to avoid. Cooler colours like blues and greys, however, can actually work to curb your desire for food. Not only that, but those are two fantastic shades that can result in a classically beautiful kitchen. 

The truth is that it’s important to pay attention to, and paint your entire home. Your bedroom is the first thing you see at the beginning and end of every day, and your living room is where you entertain, but why limit your design sensibilities to those spaces alone? An event as unassuming as a potluck can have friends and family walking in and out of the kitchen, and a drab or unappealing kitchen paint colour does not reflect well on the homeowners.